Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Picking Up Steam

You may have noticed that it has been awhile since my last post but this thing called life happened, throwing me off track a bit. I assure you that I have not been taking it easy; in fact, quite the opposite has occurred.

Where the book writing process is concerned, I have found myself in a very comfortable place and am eagerly looking forward to the next phase, which will begin soon. I finished my first draft and passed it on to three peer editors, two of which have finished their work. Once the third is ready to reveal his remarks, I will revise again and pass the new draft to the final editor, who will ultimately tie everything together.

The publishing phase may prove to be most challenging but I am doing what I do best currently and that is research and preparation. I will continue to clue you in along the way, sharing my victories, challenges and welcoming helpful comments and input.

Parting Words of Wisdom:
Bless someone today! Every blessing counts, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant!

Thank you for your support!