Monday, January 30, 2012

Progress, Not Perfection

Today was productive but I did not get to work on Chapter 10 as I had planned to do. Instead, I spent a great deal of time back tracking through previous chapters, adding events that I had forgotten about and elaborating upon others.

I have to say that I am increasingly glad that I am a documentarian in my daily habits. I don't journal but I keep all of my appointments and happenings documented in my Day Planners. I have planners full of information dating back to 2002 and some not so full planners that go even further back than that. If it weren't for them, I would have only my memory to expand upon and if you know anything about me, you know that my memory is shady at best!

Bottom line: I will not be ready to hand my story over to an editor tomorrow or even Wednesday but hopefully my rough draft will be done by Friday. I am encouraged and will keep up with progression, throwing the idea of perfection out the metaphorical window!

My parting words of wisdom for the day:
"Be the person that people will miss when you're away." (Author: Me)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Busy Week Coming Up...

This is the week I finish my rough draft! I have two more chapters to write and then the first of many edits will occur. Thank you to all who have already supported me in this process, either by cheering me on or advising me in one way or another. Oh yes, and those of you who say you are anxious to read it...I am making a list and will be hunting you down when I need to sell copies! Ha ha!

Seriously, I appreciate the encouragement and will keep you posted. Please keep me in your prayers!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Book coming soon!

So you may or may not know that I am in the midst of writing my story with the intent to publish and all news regarding this will be posted here. I am two chapters away from finishing my rough draft and will speak with an editor on Tuesday in hopes to get the story through its first edit...yay!

Since the premature birth of my baby girl nine years ago, I have thought on occasion that it would be great to share my story as inspiration to all who would hold it in their hands. When I was 32-weeks pregnant with her, I was blindsided by a horrific crash that involved my Grand Am, a pickup truck and two semi trucks. Our worlds changed in a million different ways on that day and my family and I have been on a neverending roller coaster as a result. I was just an infant in my relationship with God at the time and He had some serious plans about how he would grow me in my walk with Him!

Writing my memoirs is something that I have dreamed of doing and up until about a month ago, had only written occasionally with the thought that it might be nice to publish one day. Well, if I learned anything in 2011 it was that "one day" doesn't always come! I lost my dad in May of last year and for as long as I can remember, he had been an incredible inspiration to me. He encouraged me to just start writing and he had a solution for every excuse I made so once the dust settled, I decided I would take his advice. I began to write and research the medical records, notes and day planners that I had kept through the years (not realizing how priceless they would become) and it all seemed to flow so well. Before I knew it, I was networking with everyone I knew to communicate with and stumbled upon editors and publishers, blogs and books, all of which would be incredibly helpful in paving the way.

So embark on this journey with me; it promises to be bumpy but encouraging and will surely have a happy ending. By following my blog, you will be the first to know when the book becomes available in eBook formatting, as well as paperback. I will do my best to keep you posted concerning my progress and appreciate your support in the meantime!

Never take a single day for granted...each second is a special blessing of its own!