Monday, January 30, 2012

Progress, Not Perfection

Today was productive but I did not get to work on Chapter 10 as I had planned to do. Instead, I spent a great deal of time back tracking through previous chapters, adding events that I had forgotten about and elaborating upon others.

I have to say that I am increasingly glad that I am a documentarian in my daily habits. I don't journal but I keep all of my appointments and happenings documented in my Day Planners. I have planners full of information dating back to 2002 and some not so full planners that go even further back than that. If it weren't for them, I would have only my memory to expand upon and if you know anything about me, you know that my memory is shady at best!

Bottom line: I will not be ready to hand my story over to an editor tomorrow or even Wednesday but hopefully my rough draft will be done by Friday. I am encouraged and will keep up with progression, throwing the idea of perfection out the metaphorical window!

My parting words of wisdom for the day:
"Be the person that people will miss when you're away." (Author: Me)

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