Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A New Perspective

After talking with my editor yesterday I realize that I have A LOT of work to do before I am ready to hand my story over to her. I still have two chapters to write and will then need to go through the book and add things that I inadvertently left out. I will also need to expand upon ideas that I just threw onto the "paper" and add details, etc.

Upon finishing my editing and rewriting, I will then hand my story off to four peer reviewers who will give me their feedback on items such as content and grammar. Some of them are very familiar with my story and some are not so those who have knowledge of the events will also be instrumental in providing information that I may have either forgotten or of which I have no recollection at all because I was unconscious at the time.

There is also so much research I still need to do because I have chosen to self publish the book. By doing this, I am able to keep the rights to the story and will have total control over the process. (If you know me at all you know that I MUST have control!)

So while I thank you all for your support and anticipation of the final product, I have to tell you that it may be a bit further out into the future than I originally had anticipated. No biggie, just keep tuning into my blog for will probably get more information than you had hoped for!

My parting words of wisdom for today:
Write your story!

Whether it is in the form of a blog or a book, share your story of tribulation and triumph! I know that many of you who are following this blog have incredible stories to share and people want to hear all about it. If you don't know how to do it, I will help you happily!

Grab this day and use it for all it's worth!

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