Friday, February 3, 2012

Take Each Day as it Comes

I was reminded today of the need to be flexible and adaptable at all times. While I woke up this morning with the intention of finishing Chapter 9 in my book (I am so close!), I simply was not able to wrap it up. My concentration and focus are not where I wanted them to be but I am telling myself that it is okay. There must be something about Fridays and Mondays because I just feel like I cannot achieve my goals with the alotted time on those particular days! On Friday I am totally preoccupied with the weekend and exhausted from the week's activities and on Monday I am forever playing the game of catch-up.

This is what Jesus has to say about my issue...
Each day is a precious gift from My Father. How are you to focus on future gifts when today's are right in front of you? Receive today's gift with gratitude, for as you savor this gift, you will find Me. (paraphrased by me)

I don't know what this does for you but for me, it speaks volumes! I am always so focused on the future that I lose myself and, in turn, lose my joy.

This subject has been my focus this week, as I am sure you have discovered from my past posts but it is so important to continue to remind myself to take each day as it comes.

Those are my parting words of wisdom today:
Take Each Day as it Comes...

You will be so glad you did!

Take full advantage of this weekend. There will never be another like it and you will never be able to go back.

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