Thursday, October 9, 2014

Back at it again!

So I logged into my blog account tonight after spending the better part of my day writing and editing my story and I cannot believe that it has been over a year and a half since my last post! Wow, how time flies!

I became stuck and flip-flopped over whether to involve yet another editor, rip up the manuscript and start all over or just quit altogether! Well, since I do not have what it takes to give up on anything, I decided to dive into the deep end yet again! (And I received a call from a representative of the publishing company that I plan to involve once I am ready; that kicked me into gear!)

Today I spent hours searching for an editor that won't drain my savings account, changing all of the character names, and editing the content that disgusted me most and I dare say that the day ended with me feeling confident and hopeful again! A fellow writer and veteran author friend of mine gave me the name of his editor so I have fired by way of email the first three pages of the manuscript in order to get a sample edit.

I feel good about my progress and am looking forward to staying on track so I can see this through to the finish line. It will happen, eventually!


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Back in the game!

If you read my last post, you already know that I involved my editor, asking for help breathing life into my story. To my surprise, she already responded with so many great suggestions! My head has been swimming with ideas since I read her e-mail this morning and I have been plugging away (yes, I was writing while at work today but don't tell my boss, hahaha!) during every spare moment!

It is so unbelievable that this time last week I was so over the entire process. I hated resigning to the fact that I was stuck and really needed help but wow, am I so glad that I did! Inviting another set of professional eyes to read through and provide suggestions for my first major round of edits has been a game changer. Is it possible that this story may actually get published this year? I hear a resounding YES!

Now, excuse me while I dive head first with eyes wide open into emotional discovery...

Lesson of the day: pride and fear can be crippling...don't let them hinder your progress!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's in Lee's hands now...

Well, I did it! I officially fired my first draft to my editor with a big H-E-L-P attached to it! This is an enormous step for me because as a writer, involving others in your process before you can officially place a "the end" stamp on it, can be terrifying. I feel incredibly exposed but encouraged at the same time, for I trust her expert opinion and know that she will have great suggestions for me to work on. So I will relax while I anticipate her comments and keep plugging away at this thing called life.

Have a blessed and productive week!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wow! It's been such a while!

Happy Wednesday everyone!
I know it seems as if I deserted you all and tossed in the towel on this book-writing adventure but I assure you I did no such thing. Once I finished my first draft and involved the peer editors, the course of my writing took a backseat to my other responsibilities and I began to lose interest in jumping back into my story. Although some constructive comments were the result of my peers reading and critiquing the book in its infantile form, I ultimately considered the exercise a loss since no real gains occurred.

So back to the drawing board I went, all alone and quite lost, until I decided it was time for a break from it all. I pushed the story to the side and didn't even give it a second glance for months. My family and I enjoyed a summer of fantastic travels to places near and far, including Galena, Illinois; Kona, Hawaii; and Alta Loma, California. The kids and I spent every available moment at the YMCA pool and at the lake in our neighborhood, soaking up the sun and sharpening our swimming and diving skills.

Once school resumed, I had every intention of jumping in again to the story-telling world but allowed myself to become distracted by each call for help from the community and by a part-time job that actually gives me what they call a paycheck! In the process I achieved a new social life and have made countless new friends and am actively dating my husband again now that we are knocking on 40's door! There have been weddings, funerals, personal accomplishments (I ran my first half-marathon), a seventh-grader's grueling athletic, musical and social calendar, carpools and appointments with specialists to keep me busy since I last wrote and I am loving it all.

Suffice it to say that I have found a glimpse of happiness in my everyday life and for that, I am grateful. But, I lost the desire to edit my all-consuming story of despair and overcoming mountains of fear because I just wanted to leave that part of me in the past to rot in the ground like all else that I have buried in that graveyard. I lost sight of the reason I wrote that first draft to begin with and realized that I may actually be afraid of finishing that story because it would mean moving on for good. After more than ten years, it still defines me in large part.

Learning this, I have decided to again tackle my mountain one baby step at a time. I contacted my editor and did the most excruciating thing I could possibly have done; I asked for help! God willing, my story will be told for all to read!

Have a blessed day and take one piece of advice from me...NEVER give up on what is important to YOU!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Picking Up Steam

You may have noticed that it has been awhile since my last post but this thing called life happened, throwing me off track a bit. I assure you that I have not been taking it easy; in fact, quite the opposite has occurred.

Where the book writing process is concerned, I have found myself in a very comfortable place and am eagerly looking forward to the next phase, which will begin soon. I finished my first draft and passed it on to three peer editors, two of which have finished their work. Once the third is ready to reveal his remarks, I will revise again and pass the new draft to the final editor, who will ultimately tie everything together.

The publishing phase may prove to be most challenging but I am doing what I do best currently and that is research and preparation. I will continue to clue you in along the way, sharing my victories, challenges and welcoming helpful comments and input.

Parting Words of Wisdom:
Bless someone today! Every blessing counts, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant!

Thank you for your support!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Take Comfort in the Quiet Moments

After taking time off from my writing to earn a quick paycheck, I am realizing that distractions such as this are severely impeding my progress. Hopefully next week will be a better week for writing but in the meantime, I am trying to live according to the words in my devotional.
  • Do not spoil the quiet hours by wishing them away.
  • Instead of resenting the limitations of a weakened body, search for My way in the midst of your circumstances.
  • Although you feel cut off from the activity of the world, your quiet trust makes a powerful statement in spiritual realms.
  • My strength and power show themselves most effective in weakness.
  • Pry your mind away from your problems so you can focus your attention on Me.
  • Recall that I am able to do immeasurably more than you ask or imagine.
You get the point. I cling to all of this guidance as I struggle with my own demons and deadlines. Tomorrow is definitely a new day (filled with many more distractions, unfortunately).

Make peace with this phase of your life, regardless of whether it is a phase full of wealth and good health or full of despair and pain.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Slow Going This Week...

I just wanted to post that I am not really making book-writing progress this week because I am working another job during the daytime and training for my half-marathon during the evenings. Hopefully next week I will have significant updates.

At least I have accomplished this in the past few days...

  • I have four peer reviewers who are awaiting my rough draft.
  • After speaking with the person who manages my church's bookstore, I have my first and possibly second bookstore interested in selling my book.
  • I have made contact with several published authors who are happy to assist me in my self-publishing journey.
Those are exciting steps in the right direction!

Have a productive week and I will check in later...